Saturday, August 8, 2009

Oh! Thaaat's Why I Was Obsessing Over. . .

buying a domain and hosting service! My 30 day challenge is at a stand still! My domain shows as being parked and the only way I can access my hosting service is through an e mail link which takes me to a page that tells me I paid them. Period.

Of course WPDirect won't work unless it can access the domain, so here I sit. Market Samurai works though. I'm still watching videos and trying to put everything into action that I can. Hopefully my domain will come live before the challenge is over. In the meantime I'm trying to implement a little of what I've learned on a free weebly website, Container Herb Gardening. We'll see how that goes. Building the site's going pretty slow because I'm a little slow catching on to the workings of new sites even when they're simple. You wouldn't believe how long it took me to get the hang of blogspot. Then there's the fact that the weather's changing and my eyes are driving me nuts. Can't stare at a computer screen for very long at a time.

I got this blog set up on Google Analytics yesterday and was totally blown away today when I checked and found it had been visited 10 times! It was more of a personal journal, so it's not tweeted, blog rolled or anything. Thanks for reading.

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