Sunday, August 9, 2009

Is Fate Trying To Tell Me Something?

I began watching the videos for day 8 of the 30 day challenge and was really excited about another kewl widget we get to use free for a 40 day trial if we're members of 30 day challenge. It's called traffic bug and it automatically submits your site to all the main search engines and article directories. I was really enthused about using this new toy, so I went to the site as directed and signed up. The video said it should take 3 to 5 minutes to get the confirmation e mail and then you could configure your traffic bug.

Well, that was about 7 hours ago and I still haven't received a confirmation e mail. I went back and registered again, thinking maybe I didn't really push the button. . .just thought I did. I was told I'd already registered and had to wait for the confirmation e mail and if I didn't receive it after 24 hours I could register again.

I did learn a little more about how the search engines rank your page and what it takes to get ranked, along with some ideas to manually submit a site to different places that will provide backlinks to it. The day wasn't a total waste, but I'm disappointed.

I worked a little on my weebly site (see yesterday's post)and started an herb gardening blog on it. I'll expand the site little by little as time and inspiration permits. One little word about Weebly if you're thinking of using it, if you ever open it in the site editor, you have to publish it again whether you change anything or not. If you don't you'll get a message that says this site hasn't been published. If it's your site publish it. Hmmm I guess today wasn't a total bust. I did learn a few things.

For now I'm getting off the computer and going back to the beads. I need comfort activity!

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