Saturday, May 15, 2010

Where Oh Where Did My Muse Go

Well, it happened again. My writer's muse visited me this morning. I was half way through an article on herbs for container gardening when I heard a light but persistent knock at my door signaling the arrival of my four-year-old grand daughter from next door. I think when I opened the door for her my writer's muse escaped! So here I sit with a half finished article and a blank mind.

I haven't been able to find any titles that I can write about on Demand Media this month, but have been able to write a couple to publish to fireHow. I'm also in the process of learning to navigate the new Women Who Write Online site. The site offers much more than Ning did, but I'm getting old and adapting to change is difficult even when I welcome it.

We had a nice rain. . .accompanied by not-so-nice wind yesterday so I'd thought I would get out and do some yard work today. I had cataract surgery last tuesday and all's well, my eye has given me no discomfort what so ever, but when I opened the door to go outside, the cool air irritated my other eye, the one I had the surgery on last July. I shut the door and decided I'd do yard work another day. Fortunately I'm retired, so I don't have to wait until the weekend to get out. I just have to choose a day that's not too hot, not too cold, and not too windy. Uh Oh. I live in West Texas. We don't have many days like that. I've tried wearing goggles, but they fog up in about 5 minutes so that's out. I used to scold my son for using the weed eater without the goggles. Now I know why he does it.